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Ab Hof

Hauptstraße  71
3610 Wösendorf

Company information

When a baker and a winemaker meet and join forces, a project combining two elemental human cultural achievements results – and this is precisely what happened in Wösendorf in the year 1900. Since then, baking and making wine have been the two cardinal activities in the ancient stone building at the corner of the Wösendorfer high street, and Josef and Sabine Salomon continue this tradition today. Josef attended a winemaking school for a year, before dedicating himself to the baking profession and realising that there are numerous parallels between the two trades. Above all, both processes are dependent on yeast – and understanding the significant role of yeasts results in both better bread and better wine. Fine handiwork is the couple’s credo both in the bakery and in the vineyard. The small but exclusive vineyard supplies three wines that neatly complement the wide-ranging line of bakery products. Josef admits that wine-making is an expensive hobby, but one which he pursues seriously and meticulously.   The couple own half a hectare. The vines for their intensely fruity Federspiel grow in the Donauleithen, while their Veltliner vines for the vigorous Smaragd grow in the steep Steinriegl. Their range is rounded off by a Blauburger Frizzante – a perfect drink for hot summer days.


  • Fragrant light and refreshing with up to 11.5 Vol %.

  • Full of nuances and character with 11.5 to 12.5 Vol.%.

  • Internationally renowned top wines with optimum physiological ripeness over 12.5 Vol.%