Weingut Trautsamwieser

All opening hours, addresses and contacts

Ab Hof


Untere Bachgasse  339
3610 Weißenkirchen
Burgstiege 69
3610 Weißenkirchen

Company information

Work that has turned into a hobby: this is how the Trautsamwiesers’ passion for wine can best be described. Daughter Birgit has just successfully completed her apprenticeship as a winemaker, while also touring the country as lower-Austrian wine queen.<o:p></o:p>

Her father Josef is a passionate terrace builder; and there is indeed enough for him to build here: the eight hectares of the family are mainly situated in some of the steepest terraces of the Weissenkirchen area. About 2.5 hectare Veltliner and Riesling grow in the Achleiten, while the rest grows on the slopes of the Liebenberg. In Joching, the terraces of the Pichl Point complement the family’s range. <o:p></o:p>


They exclusively press dry and elegant wines, even in the Smaragd category. Partly this is owing to their belief that wine and food are inseparable partners, which should complement each other as perfectly as possible. They demonstrate that this is possible in the in their Heurigen – run mainly by mother Karin and open four times a year. Visitors can not only enjoy excellent wines and culinary specialities, but also wonderful views across the roofs of Weissenkirchen to the shores of the Danube.<o:p></o:p>


  • Full of nuances and character with 11.5 to 12.5 Vol.%.

    • Terrasse
      Grüner Veltliner
    • Achleiten
  • Internationally renowned top wines with optimum physiological ripeness over 12.5 Vol.%

    • Gelber Muskateller
    • Zweigelt
    • St. Laurent
    • Buschenberg - Grüner Veltliner Jungfernlese
      Grüner Veltliner
      Grüner Veltliner Jungfernlese