Weingut Franz Hirtzberger

All opening hours, addresses and contacts

Ab Hof

Kremser Straße  8
3620 Spitz

Company information

For the last decades, no other name has impacted as profoundly on vinicultural activities in Spitz as Franz Hirtzberger’s. Franz the elder laid the foundations by identifying the best single-vineyard terraces, and by founding the Vinea Wachau together with some other big names of the region. Franz the second, who presides over the family’s 20 hectares of terraces since 1983, introduced a rigorous pursuit of high quality wines, which propelled the Hirtzberger vineyard into the very heart of the Wachau’s wine culture. Since 1988 (and for 24 years in the role of president of the Vinea), he has also been trying to communicate his beliefs to other winemakers in the region. Right at the centre of his philosophy resides the natural approach to wine cultivation and the careful understanding of the geological and climatic specificities of his terraces. These ideas have become widely accepted. The names of Franz Hirtzberger’s terraces – the Singerriedel, Honivogl, Rotes Tor, Hochrain, Axpoint, Pluris and the Steinborz – are synonyms for the greatest wines of the region. His passion for Riesling is manifest in the fact that Riesling grapes constitute 40% of his overall production. Veltliner shares this percentage, and Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Muscatel also feature in his range.   Franz the third is also fully active in the family’s vineyard, and responsible for everything that comes to pass in the wine cellar. The interventions in the cellar are minimal, but they contribute substantially to the unique characteristic notes of the Hirtzbergers’ famous wines.


  • Fragrant light and refreshing with up to 11.5 Vol %.

    • Spitz
      Grüner Veltliner
  • Full of nuances and character with 11.5 to 12.5 Vol.%.

    • Steinterrassen
    • Rotes Tor
      Grüner Veltliner
      Rotes Tor
  • Internationally renowned top wines with optimum physiological ripeness over 12.5 Vol.%