All opening hours, addresses and contacts

Ab Hof

Kremser Straße  6
3610 Weißenkirchen

Company information

Our winery Stierschneider - Kartäuserhof
Our estate was originaly built in 1380 as the wine estate of the Carthusian Monastary in Aggsbach, hence the name ,,Kartäuserhof'' (,,Cartusian Estate'')
The Stierschneider family acquired the Kartäuserhof in 1862. In the generation since, the estate has been expanded to its present size.
The vineyards are on primary rock terraces with a southern exposure. These terrece were slowly built up in a millenium of backbreacking labor to create what are today the most imposing man-made structures in our valley. It is these terraces which are resposible for the unique quality of our wines.
Wine production:
In our cellars, tradition and Zeitgeistcoexist side by side. The most hygienic and modern standarts of production are the prerequisite for making wines of impeccable clarity and fluidity. The wines body and its inner strengths are created through care and nurturing in our vineyards.
Top quality is achieved by strictly limiting the yields and by carefully selection the grapes. Our main variety is Grüner Veltliner with a 40% share of the vineyards, followed by Riesling at 35%, Gelber Muskateller 2%, Sauvignon Blanc 8% and 15% is a verry top red wine


  • Full of nuances and character with 11.5 to 12.5 Vol.%.

  • Internationally renowned top wines with optimum physiological ripeness over 12.5 Vol.%

    • Novemberlese
      Grüner Veltliner
    • Achleiten - Ultimo
      Grüner Veltliner
    • Hinterkirchen - Urbestand
      Grüner Veltliner
    • Achleiten
    • Sauvignon blanc
    • Gelber Muskateller
    • Barrique
    • Decimo Barrique ZW+BB
      Decimo Barrique ZW+BB
    • Hinterkirchen - Rosenmuskateller
    • Pink Rosé
      Pink Rosé
    • Rosenmuskateller