All opening hours, addresses and contacts

Ab Hof


In der Schild 175
3610 Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
In der Schild 175
3610 Weißenkirchen in der Wachau

Company information

Right under the Buschenberg, and just before the Danube bends towards Dürnstein, one can find a sign that announces WEINGUT POMASSL, as well as an arrow which points into the woods. If visitors follow the arrow for 900 meters, they will inevitably encounter Hilda or one of the two Alois Pomassls – either the father or the son. Those travelling on bike will need strength and a good constitution, since the most hidden one of the Wachau’s vineyards is situated right above its steep and merciless terraces, which demand every ounce of energy from those who cultivate them. The Pomassls own five hectares at the Kaiserberg and the Buschenberg. Veltliner and Riesling, and Neuburger and Chardonnay grow in their primary rock, which are turned into fruit-intense and terroir-specific Federspiele and Smaradge. The family’s range is complemented by a potent Veltliner called Herbstzauber (autumn magic). The apparent seclusion of the family is, however, relative: fortunately for ramblers and wanderers, the Wachauer Welterbesteig runs right past the vineyard, where a resting place and food and drink await those in need of it. For those who wish to experience the calm and quiet for longer, a holiday apartment is available. Twice a year, the Pomaßls also open their Heurigen, and guests are invited to sample their wines together with homemade delicacies from the area. 
